10/07/2020 – 28/02/2023
Member of the Council of Ministers reporting directly to the President of the Republic of Cyprus on all issues pertaining to Cyprus shipping and to the integrated maritime policy of Cyprus.
Responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies, actions and initiatives towards the:
Accomplishments and Milestones during his tenure
16/07/2015 – 09/07/2020
European Commission – DG (MOVE)
Coordinates the external bilateral maritime transport relations of the EU with major trading partners (e.g. US, China, Japan, Brazil, India, Iran). Participates in official bilateral and multilateral consultations and meetings on shipping policy issues as well as in horizontal relations with other third countries affecting maritime affairs.
Coordinates the Mid-term Review of the EU Maritime Transport Strategy and participates in the conception, development and preparation of policies, related activities and initiatives within the context of EU Maritime Transport policy.
01/03/2014 – 31/10/2014
European Commission
Coordinates and provides advice to the Commissioner in the formulation, communication and implementation of EU policies on education focusing on the following areas and initiatives:
Advises the Commissioner and represents the Cabinet in the formulation of the following European Commission’s policies:
Personal Assistant to the Commissioner
Coordinates Commissioner’s website
16/07/2013 – 28/02/2014
European Commission – DG (MOVE)
Participates in the conception, development and preparation of policies, related activities and initiatives within the context of EU Transport policies and priorities, in particular for the promotion of sustainable EU shipping (under the supervision of the Head of Unit).
12/07/2004 – 31/12/2008
Permanent Representation of Cyprus to the EU, Brussels (Belgium)
01/01/2009 – 15/07/2013
Ministry of Communications and Works, Nicosia (Cyprus)
Policy making and formulation of Cyprus national position to EU Transport, Telecommunications and Information Society, EU Integrated Maritime Policy and EU Space Policy
During the Cyprus Presidency to the Council of the EU (July-Dec 2012) responsible for the:
15/07/1998 – 11/07/2004
Department of Merchant Shipping, Ministry of Communications and Works, Limassol (Cyprus)
15/01/1996 – 14/07/1998
Remedica Ltd, Limassol (Cyprus)
Responsible for marketing, selling and exporting pharmaceuticals for human use to various countries all over the world
Very good ability to adapt to multicultural environments gained through work experience in the Permanent Representation of Cyprus to the EU and in the European Commission (cooperating effectively with Commissioners, and Senior Officers from all the EU Institutions and counterparts from EU Member States). Good communications skills as a trainer-lecturer for EU Affairs at the Cyprus Academy of Public Administration. Ability to work under pressure and to respond quickly to new challenges.
Managerial and leading skills. Good listener promoting a team spirit. Takes initiatives to bring forward proposals for policy formulation and implementation. Organisational Management including transposition of priority challenges into team objectives, assignment of tasks to each individual, converting objectives into action plans and relevant performance.
Effective coordination on a daily basis to all different levels of hierarchy throughout his entire professional career.Very good organisation skills (overall responsibility in the Organization of Informal EU Ministerial Meetings and other High-Level Meetings during the Cyprus Presidency in the areas of Transport, Telecommunications and EU Integrated Maritime Policy).
Trainer-Lecturer, Cyprus Academy of Public Administration, Nicosia (2009-2013)
Provides training and mentoring – transfer of knowledge and experience – on shipping and EU policy issues tailored to the needs of students, teachers, civil society, specific Public Service Departments and Ministries, for newcomers in the Public Service and for Media Representatives (provides lectures on management and organizational implications for co-ordination and effective participation in the EU decision making process, effective participation in EU Institutions, challenges in EU negotiations – effective lobbying and networking).
Puts forward visionary ideas (Strategic Vision for Cyprus Shipping “SEA Change 2030”) and innovative school campaigns (“SEA…your Horizon”, “Let’s DISCO”), proposing and promoting initiatives and new concepts to the political hierarchy i.e. the “Limassol Declaration on the EU Integrated Maritime Policy” – one of the main priorities of the Cyprus Presidency to the Council of the EU.
1. Formulation of the strategic vision for Cyprus Shipping “SEA change 2030”, promoting a new extroverted approach and philosophy in shipping and a new working structure within the Shipping Deputy Ministry (SDM). Introduction of 35 sustainable actions with a timeframe of implementation (23 out of the 35 actions are already delivered).
2. Creating a culture for seafaring, maritime and blue studies and professions through innovative and interactive campaigns to secondary schools (“SEA…your Horizon”, “Let’s DISCO”), new initiatives promoting blue economy to the civil society (“THALASSA” festival), establishment of a Mentoring Team of Young Shipping Professionals and a Committee under his chairmanship to evaluate all undergraduate and postgraduate university maritime courses and submit recommendations to ensure that are fit-for-purpose, bridging the gap between academia and business.
3. Promoting gender equality and working towards breaking the gender stereotypes in maritime industry by introducing a new term to the international shipping terminology – “WOMANNING” shipping.
4. Received the SAFETY4SEA 2021Leadership Award in recognition of demonstrating industry leadership and contribution towards safer shipping and for taking charge of key actions to enable safe crew changes and gain momentum with seafarers’ vaccinations
5. Effectively responding to crises – demonstrating global leadership by proposing a global vaccination program for seafarers adopted in the form of an ILO Resolution, facilitating crew changes and repatriation of thousands of seafarers, formulation and implementation of a national vaccination plan to cover 40000 seafarers, facilitating a fast-track process for seafarers affected by the war in Ukraine to open bank accounts, access their salaries and pay bills, which were hindered after Russia’s invasion triggered sanctions on banks.
6. Reinstating a maritime passenger link between Cyprus and Greece, after a 21-year hiatus providing alternative connectivity to Cypriot citizens through an effective framework of public subsidy.
Την επίσημη υποβολή της υποψηφιότητας του Βασίλη Δημητριάδη για τη θέση του Προέδρου του Επαρχιακού Οργανισμού Αυτοδιοίκησης Λεμεσού πρότεινε ο κ. Ντίνος Έλληνας, Πρόεδρος της Σχολικής Εφορίας και στήριξε η…
Σε ένα κατάμεστο από κόσμο Λανίτειο Θέατρο πραγματοποιήθηκε την Τρίτη 19 Μαρτίου, η παρουσίαση του οράματος και των προγραμματικών θέσεων του Βασίλη Δημητριάδη, τέως Υφυπουργού Ναυτιλίας και Υποψήφιου Προέδρου του…
Σχετικά με τους Επαρχιακούς Οργανισμούς Αυτοδιοίκησης: Με βάση το νομοθετικό πλαίσιο που ρυθμίζει τη μεταρρύθμιση της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης το οποίο ψηφίστηκε από τη Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων το 2022, προβλέπεται η…
My message to the Citizens of Limassol Province: The citizens should be at the core of policy-making processes. I would therefore, like to invite you to an open dialogue with…
Interview on Shipping, Economics and Geopolitics 1. In recent years, two important but also unforeseen events have occurred. One is the Covid-19 pandemic and the other is Russia's sudden attack…
Συνέντευξη στη Χριστιάνα Ξενοφώντος ... Ανατρεπτικός, προοδευτικός, ανυπόμονος. Τον Βασίλη Δημητριάδη τον γνωρίσαμε ως Υφυπουργό Ναυτιλίας. Πλέον μας συστήνεται ως συγγραφέας, με το δικό του ημερολόγιο καταστρώματος "Κοινωνία Τζαζ". [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpAM8CiKvUg[/embed]
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has gained traction in recent years as a result of its potential to aid companies in performing well while also having a net-positive contribution to…
Πόσο τζαζ είναι η κοινωνία μας; Ο τέως υφυπουργός Ναυτιλίας, Βασίλης Δημητριάδης, μας... (politis.com.cy) https://politis.com.cy/politis-news/cyprus/686798/poso-tzaz-einai-i-koinonia-mas-o-teos-yfypoyrgos-naftilias-vasilis-dimitriadis-mas-xanasystinetai-os-syggrafeas?fbclid=IwAR3J2voB556uOpxYy_5t2r8iKvDkwyRjwMHyREi2m_NxCbxBXJnfe4pdEQk
Η ναυτιλία προσφέρεται για να λάμψει η Κύπρος σε ευρωπαϊκό και παγκόσμιο επίπεδο! Το όραμα, το "πρασίνισμα", ο άνθρωπος, η παιδεία και η εκπαίδευση. Η θάλασσα και η ναυτιλία που…
Regulators should not limit their role into the formulation and effective implementation of the regulatory framework at national, regional and global scale. When it comes to shipping, there is a…
Mr. President, Your Excellencies, Distinguished Heads and Members of Delegations, Mr. Secretary-General, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues, The outbreak of the pandemic has disrupted our lives and inevitably challenged the…
Captain Andrzej Lasota was detained – unconvicted - in a Mexican prison for two years. On the day of his release, Cyprus SDM highlights the need for change in the…
In response to the worldwide crew change crisis, the Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry (SDM) has formally proposed a practical, global approach to delivering COVID-19 vaccinations to seafarers In letters to…
Husband and Father of two
Married to Elena and has two children, Filippos and Maria-Yolanda.
“Blessed with three treasures! The real meaning and greatest gift of my life!”
“One of the best solutions to a clear mind! Running a marathon is about passion and perseverance in achieving long-term goals. It helps you discover your strengths you never knew you had!”
“An amazing feeling and a great joy to entertain your friends. It is not about choosing a few tunes. It is about generating shared moods and understanding the feelings of your friends navigating them to a better place.”